Thursday, February 10, 2005

Is a syllabus a God?

Did you know that our God is a jealous God? Seems like I knew that at some point, but forgot it as I forced childhood memories out of my mind to be replaced with Greek tenses and Frames for viewing a church. I had one of those oh Sh*t moments (sorry to any youth types reading) on my way from chapel to the refectory to feed my caffeine addiction. Where will I find the time to appease all the god's on my to-do list? The god of Church History, The god of New Testament, and most annoyingly the god of Church Music (I mean seriously it is one credit). Anyway, I downloaded a desktop Post-It note program from 3M's website last week and promptly filled 20% of my computer screen with what's due for each class next week and my work plan for at least the next 3 days. You know what that's called? Creating a graven image. I bow down to this pale yellow god every hour or so as I look to it to discern its will for my next activity. Why? Because in this time of formation I have allowed syllabi to become gods. I have returned to my beloved to-do list for guidance. ERRRRRRRRRRRRR. You shall have not god's before me... for I the LORD your God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children to the third and the fourth generation of those who hate me. Let's hope I work this out before Cass and I decide to have children.


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