Saturday, February 12, 2005

Sabbath, hmmmm

We just don't do well in making a sabbath. A real day off for personal and family devotions, where no work is done, where the only thought and work is toward resting, thanking God not just for rest but for all that we have done. I have trouble remembering the last day I had like that.
When I long distance hike (which hasn't been for a while) we had a term for days when you didn't hike. We called them zero days. On the milage chart/hike journal of the journey that day got a big goose egg and usually not much of a journal entry. Even there, where the 15 to 20 mile days seem like hard work where you could use a rest, a day off was a bad thing, an incidental occurance due to injury, resupply, or just plain laziness. Thinking about sabbath, makes me wonder if a hiker shouldn't plan in those zero days, days to thank God for all the hiking, and to rest.
And if it's good for hikers, it's good for everyone else, as I have discovered in life so far. But with seminary work breathing down my neck in what looks like a never ending stream of blood letting 2 to 4 page papers, how can I not just try to survive day by day the endless work of learning?
I have a feeling I am going to come back again and again to this point of the ten commandments and belabor it mercilessly, just like I mercilessly push myself through life without proper sabbath time. Hmmmm....


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