Sunday, February 13, 2005

Daily Bread

I am writing on Sunday instead of Saturday as I was at a convention Friday through today without access to e-mail...

I am very tired, and was worried that nothing would resonate with me tonight. But, "give us this day our daily bread" did. The diocesan convention I attended was incredibly tough; there was a lot of contention. And yet, throughout the weekend, there was also daily bread, in the form of little uplifts. Even though I had to listen to a lot of ugly talk, I also was able to reconnect with friends from my pre-seminary life. I spent a lot of time feeling really angry and powerless, yet our bishop had suggested that we seminarians act as chaplains to the youth as well as others who might need someone to talk to, since we were talking about pretty intense things; and there were several opportunities for me to listen to someone else express dismay at what was going on, and helping someone else one on one, by listening and simple presence, made me feel better. And today my daily bread was getting to come home to my husband, and to find that he had not murdered my cat in my absence. So even in the midst of turmoil, God was providing me with some daily bread each day, enough to at least keep me going.

But now I am going to bed!


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