Tuesday, March 15, 2005

The blessed sabbath, too soon over

I had a wonderful weekend with my wife's parents who were down visiting us. They took us to dinner, we went to the Zoo and to the museums, we talked for hours, and all without doing one drop of homework. It may cost me a bit on the last paper that I just finished, but it was worth it. A blessed sabbath indeed.
I think that may be missing from our current culture. We don't gather together in an extended family often enough and enjoy the company of those who we are called to be a part of in that mystical bond of family. To all of you who have a famliy close by, be it a spouse, a child, or a parent, give them a hug from me. Tell them it is part of my thanksgiving for a blessed sabbath, and I hope they get to experience it too. Peace all.


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