Wednesday, February 16, 2005

The Holy Spirit's Raw Deal

If Jesus was conceived by the Holy Sprit why does (s)he get only cursory mention in the Apostle's Creed? I don't really know the level of debate that went on as our forebearers were wrangling with the trinitarian formula, but seriously is the HS (i.e. the third part of the Trinity) only as important as the other stuff in the final litany of things in which we believe? I know this can't be true because our Orthodox brothers and sisters are still mad because the Nicene Creed has the HS coming from the Father and the Son, but seriously if I'm going to be effective as a priest, husband, student, or friend I must do more that believe in the Holy Spirit. I trust in the HS to do my groaning for me (you often hear it while I'm complaining about seminary). I trust that the HS is leading and guiding me on my walk with God through Christ. I trust (most of the time) that God speaks his will through the soft voice of the HS.

In the name of God; Father, Son, and Holy Sprit, Amen!


At 5:10 PM, Blogger spankey said...

Oh I totally agree, I just would love to say,
"I believe in the Holy Spirit, who was sent by the Father (and the Son depending on your tradition) to lead us, guide us, pray with us and groan for us."

I just would like to name the qualities of all 3 persons. Thanks!


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