Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Holy Catholic Church

This jumped out at me this morning. I've been trying not to think too much about the Episcopal Church, how divided we are within our own national denomination, and how delicate our relationship is at present within the worldwideAnglican communion. Sometimes I worry about valuing unity over principle (which isn't the right word, but I am too tired to worry about finding the exact right word, which would still be imperfect in some way), but I also really value, beyond unity in our own church, ecumenism...the WHOLE church. While on the one hand, our various denominational identities and histories are really interesting, on the other hand I think it's very sad that we are Christians yet exclusive in some ways to each other. I really value our Called to Common Mission agreement with the Lutherans, but it is hard to feel hopeful right now when things are so divisive just within our own tiny denomination.

But I think it's really cool that we have a Presbyterian blogging here as well!! So there still is some hope. :-)


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