Saturday, March 19, 2005

resurrection of the body and the life everlasting

On Monday, I become a permanent employee at the firm where I've been temping since November. Because of this change in status, I've been filling out all sorts of paperwork for the different policies that come along with a new employer. As I was making my life insurance decision, I discovered that I needed to decide, essentially, the monetary value of my life. How much would my parents get paid if I die? And doesn't our salvation prove that our lives are really worth much more that we any value we could assign them?
As I was reading through the Apostles' Creed, on my lunch break, strange images started to form in my mind as I thought about some of the practical issues surrounding these statements of faith. If that means we believe each Christian is physically resurrected (and I'm not sure whether it does or not), and time continues after the judgment, would the beneficiaries of the life insurance policies of Christians be required to repay their allotments? Imagine the court cases that could ensue, as companies like Hartford try to recoup their losses.... Anyway, I guess those are my thoughts for today.


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