Monday, March 21, 2005

"thine is the glory"

The preacher at my church here tends to get on these kicks, where the same ideas is central to his sermon every week - this theme has been going for two months now, talking about how the divine is in each of us as we follow Christ. He always illustrates it in different ways; yesterday, he had each of us process through the congregation, who were standing in two lines holding palms, while everyone chanted "Blessed is (insert name), who comes in the name of the Lord. Hosanna!" I like the fact that James Lees Presbyterian consciously honors the fact that we're all created in the image of God, but sometimes it seems that Phil's lessons border on transcendentalism. Yesterday morning, it felt like we were misplacing that glory, and honoring ourselves instead of the only one who's truly worthy of honor. But I guess we can't get it right every time, can we?


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