Saturday, March 05, 2005


So trespass leapt out at me today, although I'm sure that's due to the two recent fabulous posts on it.

Several years ago in church, when we prayed the traditional Lord's Prayer, I would always substitute "sin" for the word trespass, because trespass seemed to me to be watering down the real thing. Now, I can pray either version without wincing...I still prefer sin, but I also prefer "Lead us not into temptation" over "save us from the time of trial." (Having been labeled "conflict avoidant" in the discernment process, I certainly would like to be saved from trials, but it seems like a wimpy thing for which to ask.)

Trespassing makes me think of cutting through people's lawns. For me, it just doesn't have the same teeth as "sin."

I like the verb for sin in Hebrew very much...great guttural beginning. Maybe I'll start using that one under my breath when we pray the Lord's Prayer...


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