Friday, February 18, 2005


Hmmm, this housing thing has already come up once for me on this blog, but: the part that leapt out today was coveting my neighbor's house. I miss being able to just let the dog out in the morning, instead of getting up and going out to walk her because we live in a yard-less apartment. I miss having parties with lots of people, including kids. Here we are sooooo small; the most I've had over is five (um, including the two of us), and the kitchen was quite a disaster by the end because there's no space.

I especially miss bathrooms that aren't pink.

Perhaps it's not a great idea to advertise to the world that I am BREAKING a commandment by husband just came in and asked what I was doing and told me about some people who lost their jobs after blogging...priests who break commandments probably aren't in high demand. (Oh well, I'm still being formed; not a priest yet!)


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