Tuesday, February 22, 2005


I'm having a hard time with Sabbath in seminary. I do a pretty good job of taking at least part of one day a week (Saturday) when I try to concentrate on my husband and resting as opposed to homework, but Sundays have really changed; going to church had really turned into searching for a field ed site, not worshipping, although worshipping was a factor of course. Now that I have a site, I'm not sure what Sundays will be like until Septemeber, when I'll start working at my field ed site, and if my field ed internship in the discernment process was any example, that will be fulfilling but also exhausting. And, much different that being in the pew on Sunday.

So, I will definitely need rest, but what about the part about keeping it holy? Most of the time I feel that hanging out with my husband is holy, since that's my most important relationship on earth, but I'm not sure that's what God was talking about. On the other hand, it doesn't seem so different than the Jewish Sabbath, when is worship but also just time spent quietly together. Sometimes it seems like holy time needs to be structured-church time, but I'm not sure that's the case. I think I'll need to figure this out by graduation. (But I have basically despaired of ever figuring anything out!)


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