Sunday, March 06, 2005

Thine is the glory

I am no linguist. There are however quite a few around me. The following was taken to be true simply because I have no evidence to suggest otherwise.

I was in my Spanish/prayer book class last week. The professor was sharing that the Spanish form for you is either TU or Ustedes. Spanish has two forms for you. The "TU" form is the form used with friends. It is intimate. The Ustedes form is used for more formal occasions. In the Spanish prayer book the TU form is always used for God. God is always addressed in the more intimate form. I found that comforting.

The reason I write all this is that as the conversation went on someone brought up the idea that Thee, Thine, Thou of our loved and not so loved, old English, actually was the most intimate way to speak of God. At the time to use Thee, Thine, and Thou was similar to the way the Spanish language uses the TU form for addressing God. As the conversation progressed it was told that due to the fact that these very intimate forms were the ones used for God that somewhere along the line due to that intimacy it became formalized because it was the form reserved for God.

Just another nugget I would have forgotten had I not reflected. But wait, there's more...

The reason Thine jumped out at me is that I so often forget to have the first commandment first. I'll forget that the reason I'm jumping through all these hoops, taking all these classes, writing all these papers, not reading all these books I'm supposed to is not for my glory but for His. I forget so quickly that my Christianity is not for me. I'll forget so quickly that it is not for my edification at all. When I forget that it is Thine (a most intimate use of you) glory I become an Idol unto myself.

"I believe, help thou my unbelief" As a Thomist this is my only hope.


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