Tuesday, February 22, 2005

The resurrection of the body

You know, I don't think I have ever really considered what this means before. I am so excited to accept Jesus as Savior, and God as my creator, and the Holy Spirit as the power behind it all, that I forget what this little line in the creed means. It's not just Jesus' body that I believe is resurrected. We believe that this body, with fingers right now typing, will some day be resurrected. Whoa. I don't know if I am ready for that.
I know, its heresy, but I always figured that my body was a temporary vessel, and that there is more to me than this body, a more that would rise on the last day. That something would join with all other somethings as the Body of Christ united on that last day, at home finally at peace with God.
But to take this literally is a bit much for me. It suggests some sort of physical limit on God's reign. How many bodies can the Earth support, anyway? How many bodies are going to be hanging around on that last day? My mind wants instead to imagine a unity of people with God, where finally the terrifying aloneness of being human is stripped away as I and all others are united in God. The fear of the other would be blissfully shattered as all come to full knowledge of God's very identity.
Again, I just never thought about this line. I am sure these comments seem juvenile and underformed, and that would be a good thing as they are just that. But what will that day be? I want the perfect freedom of perfect unity. This old body is nice, but I want better than just this thing back on the last day.


At 8:37 PM, Blogger spankey said...

hey matt,

just a thought, but don't forget that along with our resurrected bodies we'll be blessed to walk on in a new heaven and on a new earth. to believe in the resurrection of the body of all believers is in fact not to put limits on God but to expand our reality to that of God's. Just a thought, I'd love to continue to dive into this with you sometime.


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