Wednesday, February 23, 2005

off the beaten path

or beaten off the path, either way I'm tired. So today as I am reading our passages what comes to mind? A totally different passage. So my thoughts for today are on Prof. Emeritus Charlie Price's words on page 836 of the BCP 1979. "We thank you [God] also for those disappointments and failures that lead us to acknowledge our dependence on you alone." Thanking God for my failures is tough to do as I sit in the midst of them (the exegesis I tried to make perfect of my own abilities or the outline that I started to research the day after it was due CRRRRRRRAP), but really in hindsight's glorious 20/20ness I am thankful for a lot of the things which don't meet my expectations, because I know they always meet God's plan which is ultimately my salvation and the salvation of those with whom I am in community.

So that being said I really don't need another disappointment or failure, but should one come along (which they inevitably do) won't someone remind be to give thanks for the reminder to rely on God and God alone.


At 6:35 AM, Blogger Eliz F said...


The "Thanks for the disappointments and failures" line is one of the hardest for me to pray sincerely, even though I KNOW it's true...glad you brought it up!!


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