Tuesday, March 08, 2005

I believe in Jesus Christ

I believe mostly because others died defending the idea of His resurrection with no other motive but the truth. I believe because of CS Lewis and Narnia. I believe because of Sir Richards Attenborough documentary on Mother Teresa. I believe because of an experience of love at 16 and a deepening in my 20's. I believe because my Nana and my Grandmother Bertha prayed for me and told me about Jesus. I believe because of Thomas Merton and his Autobiography. I believe because I have acted as if and "faked it until I made it". I believe because I live in culture that has not entirely lost its roots. I believe because Jesus can haunt a man by continually knocking. I believe because of many gatherings of "2 or 3 in My name". I believe because I was told in another community, "look in the mirror and whatever you see there realize that "that" is not God". I believe because I taught it. I believe because of the "Hound of Heaven". I believe because His life reflects the audatious covenant revealed in the OT. I believe because Augustine conceived of grace as gravity. I believe because love is not out of fashion.
I believe...


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